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H2 Products - Somerset

Based in Bridgwater, Somerset

Contact us on 01278 423823 or 07977 812601 or Email or visit our website

Unit 2, Cherry Orchard, Squibbers Way, Colley Lane Industrial Estate, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 5FB

We offer a 3 month warranty on all gas and electrical appliances
New B Grade Tefcold TM32 Minibar Fridge. The TM32 drinks fridge from Tefcold is a great choice to keep your drinks perfectly chilled. Suitable for hotel bedrooms or boardrooms, this unit is highly efficient and operates with the lowest possible noise. This way, a more comfortable working environment is created and it is not a nuisance to the people around it.

£140 +VAT

New B Grade Jura 69534 Water Filter. Using the JURA water-filtering system guarantees freshly filtered, delicious-tasting water for tea and coffee every time. Designed to satisfy even the most stringent quality and service requirements, it is setting a new standard in the food service and vending industries. It is connected directly to your water supply.

£40 +VAT

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