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125/3 in 300ma > 2x 63/3 100ma, 4x 32/3 100ma out
PLOC in > 2x 63/3, 2x 32/2, 9x 32/1, 3x 16/1 out
PLOC in > PLOC through, 1x 125/3 MCB, 1x 63/3 100ma, 2x 32/3 100ma out
63/3 in > 1x 16/1 30ma out, 2x 32/3 30ma out

£200 +VAT ono each

| Quantity: 5
360mm Insulated Ducting 360mm Non-Insulated Ducting Price is for sum total, however, this can be sold separately.
Find pricings (per metre) for the two types of ducting.
This can be negotiated!!!

£2475 £1500 +VAT ono

| Quantity: 83
14x distribution boards
Various configurations available
Sold as a job lot

£3900 +VAT ono

| Quantity: 14
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